Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lesson 4-My reflections on the Lottery and The Rocking Horse Winner

Q2.For Lottery, do an analysis of 100 words in which you look at Ah Boh’s superstitions regarding gambling.

I feel that Ah Boh has a superstitous mindset implanted in her mind.By looking at the story and the extent she would go to to win money in lottery,gambling,the superstitious mindset would stay in her mind forever.Ah Boh believes in superstitions full heartedly and she would,without fail,squander most of her salary on gambling.Even though she has a elderly mother to take care of,she treasures winning money in lottery more than giving her mother a happy life to live on.Her superstitions may be absurd at times,a spider in her dream would represent a number and she would waste precious effort and time in trying to decipher the numbers in the dream.The outcome?All her hard-earned money had gone down the drain.The superstitions, she believed in so much that she was willing to happily take down the licence plates of the deceased or injured in the car accident,a contrast to a pitiful crowd and heart-broken family members at the scene,or should I say,a black sheep among the white.Her superstitions also caused her to generally lose any love for her mother who passed away in an accident:She had probably assumed that her deceased husband took away her mother's life as a sign for lottery winnings.Ah Boh,instead of being grieved over her relative's death,she was ecstatic and regretful at the same time.Her regret comes from no t being able to give her mother a good life before she passed on but her happiness originated from the fact that she would be able to win money now without anyone in her way.She is afraid at the same time,that her mother would haunt her but in the end,the little love of her mother left in her heart was nothing compared to the daughter's happiness.

Q3.For The Rocking Horse Winner, write a paragraph of 100 words in which you point out who was responsible for Paul’s death.

I believe that Paul's parents are ultimately responsible for Paul's death.Paul's parents were rich and wealthy in the beginning;they had servants,lived in a bungalow and so forth.However,things started to decline drastically and soon,they were desperately in need of money in order to keep up with their high social status in this town.It was because of the parents utter confidence in his or her ability which causes them to attribute all their misfortunes to 1 factor:luck.They believed so strongly that they were unlucky that continued to keep their glamorous,expensive taste in sending their children to the upper classes of school.They were previously so immersed in their road to fortune during their short term glory which led to them believing in luck.Their actions and voices influenced Paul so much that he "gambled his life"away in search proving his parents wrong.His utter determination proved to be a driving force in his heart that under his parent's influence,he passed on.Luck is good but too much much luck may not be a good thing.

Done by:Gary Leong(16)


  1. Striving for luck or trying that hard to win can be dangerous to your health! I wonder who was more superstitious, Paul or Ah Boh?

  2. I feel that Paul is more superstitious.
