Monday, April 27, 2009


I apologise to everyone that I had accidentally put "gals" at the last sentence instead of "happy".It was because of the spell check that the computer gave me similar meanings of the word to me and I had accidentally picked "Gals".I apologise fo that mistake.

My Mother's Comments on My Reading Habits

After requesting for my mother to comment on my Reading Habits(you can find it on my blog here),she felt that she knew I would love reading after exposing me to all kinds of books when I was a innocent little child.She felt that my reading habits developed because of this main factor:constantly exposing me to storybooks.According to my mother,she knew that I loved fantasy and adventure storybooks from the very beginning.How is this possible?She knew it when I was at a tender.young age of 2 years old.Once,my mother said that she gave me 2 books,one with colourful pictures of happy and happy dragons while the other one contained picture of an apple with a delightful smile on its shiny red outer "covering".After minutes of careful observation on me (I could not remember anything as I was too young!),she said the 2 year old baby was constantly slapping the colourful graphic pictures of happy robots and dragons,a grin formed on my then chubby face.According to my mother,she also added that I did not glance at the book with the smiling apple afterwards,leaving the Apple book to lie forlornly in a corner.Instead,I continued to admire the beautifully illustrated pictures in awe,with wide opened eyes.This gave my mother a mentality instantaneously:When I grow up,I would concentrate my reading on fantasy and adventure storybooks.Her predictions were true as time flew past as I started to pick up more storybooks to fulfill my utter curiosity.She was delighted I had picked up reading as she feels that reading not only improves one's level of language,it also transports readers into another different world of fantasy and imagination,giving a reader to let their hair down from a hectic work or study schedule.It was like killing two birds with one stone.She felt that reading brings countless benefits to a reader and she felt that that was what had happened to me.

I was gals I had picked up reading.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mother's memorable read

I knew my parents read books but I had never knew they would read the same books as me when I was in primary school and I still do.It was pure coincidence that I read the popular,world re known Star Wars novels which surrounds light sabres,star ships,aliens and clone troopers.I know this may sound unusual and moreover,strange,my mother reads them.She told me that it was common knowledge in all families that Star Wars are only catered to the needs of boys and burly man(I guessed your family had the same mentality)and it is not a good choice for gentle girls and women to read them.Well today,I stand for my point and changed this fact in my family:Star Wars are for humans of all ages,regardless of your gender.I have to admit,when I had asked my mother what she had read before,she mouthed 2 silent words,looking at me with be wilderness:Star Wars,I was shocked.I asked her the question one more time just to confirm and she was still firm with it.It was a wonderful fact that there was another Star Wars fan like me in the family.Why Star Wars,well,my mother said that she loved science fiction novels since a tender young age.She said these science fiction novels were extremely interesting and even helped give us the a glimpse of the humans' future reality and what actions would have an impact on us.She adores the action theme and cliffhangers endings of the Star Wars books and that was what drove her to read then till she was 14 years old.Although the Star Wars novels was a long forgotten,faded memory,she said it gave her an insight of the amazing things a novel can do on a human being and caused to have a certain passion for reading storybooks.Even though my mother has lost the habit of reading Star Wars novels,she said the novels she had read would always have a special place in her heart.I know this would be hard to believe but believe it.

Anyone believes about intergalactic star ships in the future?How about light sabres?