My 2ND Learning Profile: Musical
Preferred Question:Write a poem on the Tom Robinson Trial / life in May comb/ any other incident.
Mrs Dubose.
Mrs Dubose,Mrs Dubose,
That old crank hag living down the street.
You hate the blacks till your death,
degrades them to utter garbage.
You fail to carry luggage,
and lies in bed like a forgotten baggage.
Mrs Dubose,Mrs Dubose,
your cries towards the Finches
are no more than a signal,
for the death of your flower beds.
Destruction of flowers,
requires repents as blowers,
the winds which cleans up the garden.
Mrs Dubose,Mrs Dubose,
you wanted a special request.
To ask Jem Finch to read to you,
loud and clear.
You finally have a crystal thought,
to eradicate the menace,
which acts as the furnace of life,
the ultimate deception of death,
the one and only morphine.
Mrs Dubose,Mrs Dubose,
you lie in bed seemingly lifeless,
as the drones of Jem Finch,
resounds through your wrinkled ears.
Your hands remained glued to your lap,
desperate for a morphine pat,
your victim reminds you,
of your battle against the drug.
Mrs Dubose,Mrs Dubose,
you want to depart clean.
Not healthy nor fat but to win,
with utmost courage.
The courage that longed to be unlocked,
since you were a little girl,
has been unleashed at the moment.
Alas,the battle has been won.
Mrs Dubose,Mrs Dubose,
you close your eyes,
satisfied as you enter your next journey.
Mrs Duose,Mrs Dubose,
Rest In Peace.
A fine poem.
ReplyDeleteMight long i'd say.
You add all the "biggest words" you could possibly think of.
Not neccesary though.
Too many cooks may spoil the broth.
Great anaphora.
Nobody will ever forget the words "Mrs.Dubose" ever again.
The last two lines were splendid.
Yet it brings some form of calm to an otherwise tumultuous poem.
Nice effort Gary . Bombastic but relevant . Long too , i thought you copied from the internet at first but when i see some spelling error i knew you did not . (: (: (: (:
ReplyDeleteThat was indeed a long poem! It was relevant though, managing to narrate how the story went from the time Jem was supposed to read to her till the time she died.
ReplyDeleteGreat poem, marred by several grammar mistakes (: