A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD BOY IS CHILDISH?HOW CAN THAT BE POSSIBLE??Well,to state the truth,I am childish.I do not feel embarrassed at all.I carry a sense of pride within me as I can find joy in playing with toys,unlike most other teenagers of my age.Toys are a child's best friend.Some people revitalise their day by having an occasional game of badminton, a ride around the neighbourhood on a scooter but I inject laughter in my day.Pride is made of two vines-life and death.But it is different.Pride can be used for enjoyment without harming anything physically or mentally.For example,till now,I still loved playing with toy monsters and marvel figurines fighting each other,destroying toy cars and a brio set train track.Causalities were suffered,most likely consisted of civilians and villains.That is "death".And as the victors stood proudly,looking ever so tall,their heroic silloutet shadowed by my lamp,a sense of satisfaction overwhelms me.When I play with the plastic figurines,I let my hair down and had forgotten the burden of homework piling on me or the occasional headaches caused by stress.I feel refreshed and full of energy when I found time with my toys.It was as if I was transported to my imaginary world,with monsters,villains terrorising powerless civilians as super heroes swung into actions.Anything from a cute little mouse to a ten-foot tall dinosaur could appear in my imaginary world.My mind goes wild when I played with toys.Creative ideas popped up in my head every second as I constructed my world of imagination.I would find joy in my childhood in spending time with my precious toys.I would say this proudly that I love toys even though I am thirteen and am not ashamed of it at all.Not one bit.
Never lose that sense of wonder and awe; it will keep you rejuvenated as you go through life.